The creative folks at WOOT!, everyone’s favorite deal of the day style website, which offers you sometimes useful products at an extreme discount, took a shot a Philly fans today. 

In the listing for their Duracell Rechargable Batteries deal – 12 for $14.99 – the site used the following description. You can probably guess what it is before reading.

Screen Shot 2012-08-10 at 1.35.58 PM

Oh go fuck off.

Now, I can tell you that, at a previous job, I worked quite a bit with Woot! to promote some clients’ offers. Woot!’s point person at the time (two years ago) for these sorts of deals was a huge Cowboys fan (promise you I’m not making this up) from Dallas, where the company is based. And judging by his Linkedin– he still works there. Now, I’m not quite enough of an asshole to give you his email address, if only because he once bought my boss and I lunch at an expensive New York City restaurant, but I can tell you he is a portly fellow who spent two hours talking about dem Cowboys when all I wanted to do was eat my gratis Kobe sliders and get out of there.

Anyway, congratulations, Nathan Woot! marketing guy, you just got some free publicity for your deal.
