Well, this one isn’t a surprise.

As first reported by Philly.com’s Dan Gross last night the Sixers have canned PA announcer Tom Lamaine.

Lamaine, who is 122, was a former Sixers play-by-play man with Bill Campbell from 1970-1976. He was also a longtime CBS 3 weatherman. He replaced Matt Cord as Sixers PA announcer last season, as Cord became the Sixers.com video guy.

Lamaine had previously served as Cord’s backup and will continue to be the backup for whomever the Sixers hire next.


"He told me I gave them exactly what they wanted," the former CBS 3 meteorologist said. "He's feeling his way through the NBA, and he did a lot of traveling around to different stadiums. He heard more excitable guys, something I cannot be and don't want to be."


Someone excitable. Someone… young. Tonight. To set the world on fire. Fun. Someone like that.

Your day may now continue on without incident.