Wk4_head_3Follow me on twitter (@dancfuller) for uniform chatter during Sunday's NFL games.

Week 3 was another relatively uneventful uniform weekend in the NFL, though it is interesting to hear another (usually) non-discussed-unless-something-scandalous-happens topic be at the top of sports and non-sports news this week, with the replacement referees confirming that football refereeing is more complicated than it looks. Of course, as soon as the real referees make a high profile mistake, expect someone to point out "people complain about referees no matter what!" as if watching three weeks of games grinding to a halt due to inexperience is the same thing as an egregious missed call once or twice a game.

There were some notable events last week: the Cardinals wore their black alternates while thwumping the Eagles, and the Chargers went to their new-for-2012 white over white combination for the second week in a row. I approve. For trivia's sake, the Panthers wore their 90s-riffic (but better than their normal black jersey) blue alternate, so that won't be seen again this season.

And some late-breaking uniform news: on Thursday, the Jacksonville Jaguars annouced they will be using their new-for-2012 black alternate as their primary "color" jersey after Week 4, and they will be pairing it with black pants. Ugh. The teal jersey will become the alternate.

Eagles Gameday says they're in green jerseys this week, and the Giants only have one white jersey combination. Lots more after the jump.

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