No, Big Five Coaches, You May Not Send Prospective Student Athletes Instagram Photos
Settle down, Khalif, you still can
As I wrote the other day, I truly don’t understand all the hype surrounding Instagram.
Neither does the NCAA.
This column, published by the corrupt organization, answered some commonly asked questions NCAA coaches may have about recruiting young, impressionable athletes (I’m assuming there’s a different version of this for John Calipari, one that says it’s OK to pay players, use World Wide Wes to hook them up with basketball stars and celebrities, and make class an optional distraction). This one stood out:
Question: May a coach take a photo and use software (e.g., Instagram, Photoshop, Camera Awesome, Camera+,) to enhance the content of the photo (e.g., changed color of photo to sepia tones or add content to the photograph), and send it to a prospective student-athlete as an attachment it to an email or direct social media message?
Answer: No, a photograph that has been altered or staged for a recruiting purpose cannot be sent to a prospective student-athlete.
Well, there goes the possibility of Fran Dunphy sending a potential 3-star recruit a hazy-hued cityscape from the corner of Broad and Cecil B. Moore. Sadstons.
via Athnet