Know Your Loon: Andrew Bynum is Being Sued by "Racist" Neighbors, Who are Accusing Him of Carrying Guns, Smoking Weed, Blasting Music (and More!)
Pic via (@dannydobbs), from last night's season ticket holder event
Send lawyers, guns and money
The loon has hit the fan
BYNUM!!!!!!!!! The Andrew Bynum era has taken another twisted turn on the heels of this TMZ report from late last night. According to the site, Bynum and his former neighbors in Westchester, California, where the Sixers not-star still keeps a home, have each filed a lawsuit against the other. Bynum is claiming that he has been constantly harassed by Ramond and Cindy Beckett and that the couple has objected to "his profession, his race, his friends, his cars and his taste in music." He also alleges that the Becketts chipped the paint of his Ferrari by throwing coins at it and banged the side of his house with “a long stick.” Das racist.
The Becketts claim that Bynum’s lawsuit was just a way of deflecting the suit they were already preparing to file against him. They're accusing Bynum of being the neighbor from hell. Go: [TMZ]
— brandishing FIREARMS in an attempt to intimidate the Becketts
— "apparently" using drugs and allowing weed smoke to drift next door
— blasting loud, profane rap music (including the song "Currency" by Trina)
— blasting his video games at "window-shaking volumes"
— letting his dogs run loose through the neighborhood
— constantly racing his luxury cars at dangerous speeds
That also could have read: He plays in the NBA. But it’s at this time that I’d like to commend you, the reader, for your sleuthy photo work. You’ve sent us pictures of Bynum brandishing firearms…
… filling up what is the presumably the Ferrari mentioned in the lawuit (the FF, which starts at $295k)…
… and around video games (from a season ticket holder party held last night at Chickie’s and Pete’s Play2):
That’s good work by you, hitting almost every bullet point in the lawsuit. There’s no picture of him getting high (yet), but I imagine he’d look something like this:
Circling back to that season ticket holder party at Play2: The Sixers had originally planned to hold the event at North Bowl (according to some readers), but moved it to Play2 at the last minute. We can’t imagine why!
We’ll keep you updated on the lawsuits, which were seemingly filed a while back. The Becketts have since sold their house.
H/T to everyone on the interwebs