How Do We Feel About This RGIII T-Shirt?
Reader Jared, an anti-Reider who kept sending us pictures of his Fire Andy t-shirts this fall, has a new target, and this one just had surgery to repair a torn ACL.
Insensitive? Sure. Mean? You bet. Crossing the line? Maybe. But the beauty of the shirt is in its simplicity– no “Parking For” sign, no logo, no image of Dr. James Andrews looking apoplectically at Mike Shanahan and Griffin. None needed. And I get the feeling that the shirt is directed more at the Redskins – both for Mike Shanahan riding RGIII into the dirt (almost literally) and, um, the dirt at FedEXField, where playing conditions on Sunday were horrific – than it is at the nice young man now recovering from major knee surgery.
Anyway, Redskins fans, don’t shoot the messenger… even if I am not-so-quietly applauding Jared’s efforts.