Screen Shot 2013-02-04 at 4.19.14 PMHey, are you Tikilish?

Tiki Barber did an Ask Me Anything on Reddit today. I would have asked the former running back about cheating on his pregnant wife (some people did)… but one question, Who is the single defensive player you used to actively try to avoid out on the field?, yielded perhaps the best possible response from Tiki:

Jeremiah Trotter. We played each other so much and knew each other so well that when he hit me, he hit me hard. But he'd also help me up and sometimes tickle me under the pile. 


Uh, what?

Redditors followed up with pithy responses: 

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Makes me kind of proud, too. I guess.

Barber, of course, isn't the first famous ticklee to be embroiled in a sex scandal:

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H/T to (@Chris_ChaseESPN)