UPDATE: Apparently, Johnson told both radio stations this was a joke, despite him telling the story twice. Something I probably would have picked up on if it was any other time than 5:30 on a Friday. Original post after the jump.

You talk about having a big Johnson. People say these things like this as idioms, not as real, actual things. But big boy Lane Johnson, literally, wrestles bears for his shits and giggles.

To put that in perspective: For my shits and giggles, I, a blogger, draw on the shower door and then use my breath to steam-erase and start over with a blank canvass. It’s a never-ending cycle of nude painting. And it’s therapeutic.

Johnson, the Eagles first round pick in the draft and an NFL lineman, wrestles black bears.

In the video, posted to YouTube a few days ago by ESPN, Johnson said:

“Wrestle bears in my spare time. Not necessarily grizzly bears, but the smaller, more puny black bears. Tearing up garbage and stuff, so I try to manhandle them and get them out of the way.”

Black bear:

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If Chip doesn’t watch out with that shirt, Johnson is going to mistake him as a sparring partner

Speaking to reporters today, Johnson confirmed his BEAR-WRESTLING HABITS:

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That’s actually really fucked up. He’ll fit in just fine here.