This Salon Article Detailing All the NY Times’ Philly Fans-Booing-Santa References is Perfect

Kyle Scott | June 14, 2013

16 times, including these:

On Philadelphia’s tough reputation:

Sometimes it is a snarling place – Santa Claus was once booed at an Eagles game. (June 12, 2001)

In a season preview for the 1999 Eagles:

The Eagles are going to win three games this year, and the fans at Veterans Stadium, who have booed Santa Claus, will have lots of fodder this season. (September 12, 1999)

On Mark McGwire’s great response from visiting fans during the 1998 home run race:

…Philadelphia, where even Santa Claus has been booed. “I get overwhelmed every time I hear something like that. It’s rare. And I don’t know exactly how it started.” (May 7, 1998)

Salon*: The New York Times Can’t Stop Trolling Philadelphia

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