Chip Kelly Doesn’t Want You Living in His Cottage… or Something Like That

Kyle Scott | September 12, 2013

Eliot and I talked about this on the podcast– if coaches are aware of the amount of dissecting of plays that goes on online. You might call it a cottage industry. And Chip Kelly might ask you what the frack you’re talking about:

Do you know if there’s a cottage industry on [the] Internet of breaking down your offense? Do you know of that?

I don’t even know — a cottage, like where you go to the beach? I’m confused.

A lot of people like to look at your offense and try and dissect it and figure out

The only people I’m worried about dissecting our offense is the Chargers.

You know of that?

I know people talk about what we do, but it’s not just us. I think there’s a lot of really — I think there’s a lot of football fans out there that dissect a lot of different things, and I think that’s fun. It’s great. It means there’s enthusiasm and people understand — not understand it, but people loving the game of football and kind of doing research of it. There’s a group of coaches that are still dedicated towards the single wing and they have clinics all over the place where they sit down and talk about that offense. That part intrigues me, the X&O part of it. I don’t know where you’re going with the question.

ARE YOU AWARE THAT THERE ARE COUNTLESS PEOPLE ONLINE DISSECTING YOUR OF… ah, never mind. Keep doing that funny thing you do with the linemen.