More Bucs Have Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Kyle Scott | October 11, 2013

The Bucs have a plan for slowing down the Eagles and Ron Mexico– it involves close contact:

A third Tampa Bay Buccaneers player has been diagnosed with a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection.

Duke Infection Control Outreach Network (DICON) Co-Director Dr. Deverick J. Anderson, recognized as the country’s leading authority on infections disease control, addressed the team and Buccaneers staff earlier on Friday.

Over the past two months the Buccaneers organization has been working with the world-renowned DICON and other infectious disease specialists to treat and educate its players, sanitize its training facility and install new health and safety protocol.

Lovely. Surprised this doesn’t happen more often to professional athletes. Plus how many guys walk around locker rooms, dongs out, sporting some type of gonorrhea or the herp? Gotta be at least 40%, probably even higher in the NBA.

Funny story: A few years ago, I thought I got MRSA from my gym. Turns out it was just hot tub folliculitis because my buddy Dan didn’t clean his hot tub before having people over. Little antibiotic cleared that shit right up.