Today in Completely Out of Context Headlines: The Sixers are Heading to Newark

Kyle Scott | October 4, 2013

I almost fell out of my chair when I read this headline from an official Twitter account associated with the Sixers. So soon, Josh?

Turns out, the Tweet was from the 87ers, the Sixers’ new incongruently named* D-league affiliate that will play its games in Newark, Delaware.

Maybe the Seveners’** Twitter guy will want to choose his word ordering more carefully. Or… maybe this is just a hidden-in-plain-sight conspiracy, sort of like how the Illuminati have the all-seeing eye on our money– operation relocation commence!***

*They’re known as the “Sevens,” but the official name is the “87ers.” There’s no “er” in “Sevens.” This makes absolutely no sense.

**Calling them that now, for consistency’s sake.

***I’m kidding. It’s Friday. We’re just having fun here. We like to have fun here. Joshua Harris said he’s not moving the Sixers to North Jersey.