Someone Tied Their Dog to a Parked Car’s Bumper at the Delco Times and Now It Needs a Home

Kyle Scott | March 24, 2014

I’m not sure whether to applaud this person (for turning their lovable little dog into the Daily Times, which will undoubtedly help it find a home) or to wish them great harm.

Delco Times editor Phil Heron Tweets:

And here’s a video posted on Tout by Delco Times reporter Jeffrey Wolfe. He said the dog had a note attached to her saying she was very sweet but barked a lot. She needs a home. Let’s make sure she gets one.

I’m assuming you can Tweet Jeff (@delcoreporter) or Phil (@PhilHeron) if you’re interested.

UPDATE: Here’s the full text of the note:

“Please take care of me. I’m a female 9 years old – 15 pounds. I just moved to a new apartment. I’m 73 years old and can’t keep her anymore because of her barking. Thank you so much. She was well loved.”

The Delco Times has a full story on it.