Is Proposing to Your Girlfriend in McFadden’s After B.J. Rosenberg Gives Up Three Home Runs the Most Delco Thing Ever?

Kyle Scott | April 15, 2014

It’s OK– I grew up in Delco, I can make these jokes.

Email from reader Matt:

This clown decided to stand up on the bar at McFadden’s last night, right after the back-to-back-to-back home runs, pull his hood on, and propose to his girlfriend.  Then right afterwards orders 6 shots of fireball for him, his [fiancée] and [fiancée]’s friend.

Now that’s class. Waiting until the quiet moment in the bar, after B.J. Rosenberg fat fat fatties the game away, to pop the big question. Baggy cargo shorts for maximum flexion. The hood… for God knows why. And the shots of Fireball, because that’s the way to kick off the nuptial process. Here’s to avoiding the other 50% of unions.

Commenter Delco Jorts is going to be all over this one.