Great Article About the Phanatic’s Best Friend

Kyle Scott | May 9, 2014

Great story on the Drexel University website:

But here’s the thing: The Phillie Phanatic is more than just a trick. Sure, one could argue that Burgoyne is the soul of the character; the one who breathes comedic life into an otherwise lifeless, 35-pound shell. But at the same time the Phanatic has a soul all his own, which exists not because of Burgoyne but, rather, almost despite him. Consider, for instance, how Burgoyne talks about recently sitting down to watch five years worth of new Phanatic video footage:

“Watching those videos was a blast. He just cracks me up,” says Burgoyne with a chuckle. “When I watch him, I don’t see myself. I see the Phanatic.”

That’s awesome… but I still don’t know who this Burgoyne fellow is and why he has an identity crisis.

Go read.