Charlie Manuel is on Twitter and That’s Delightful

Kyle Scott | June 5, 2014

Last night, Charlie Manuel’s wife, Missy Martin, encouraged her Facebook friends to follow Charlie on Twitter (@CMBaseball41). The account, ostensibly created to promote the Charlie Manuel Baseball Camp, which includes guest instructors Gentlemen Jim Thome and Flash Gordon, reads as though at least some Tweets are penned by Missy or someone other than Charlie (a few use hashtags), but otherwise looks exactly how you would expect Charlie Manuel’s Twitter account to look.


Hittin’ season:


Cuz bro’n:

As if you can’t tell how from those Tweets how loved Charlie is by local media folks, check out the respondents to Martin’s post on Facebook:


You can follow Charlie (@CMBaseball41). I love how his first athlete follow was Ryan Howard. His second? Shaq.