Jim Breuer Feels Something in his Pants for Chase Utley

Jim Adair | July 24, 2014

On Tuesday’s edition of the (now) Opie & Jim Norton Show, comedian Jim Breuer had some things to say about Chase Utley (starting at the jump spot above), using the tone of voice usually employed by pre-teen boys just figuring out what all of these dirty thoughts mean:

“I was taking a look at these guys, and Utley is … he’s … I love Utley. He’s like this skinny … he’s got little chicken legs [Ed. Note: He’s not wrong], but his upper back … his shoulders … chiseled top, back, shoulders.

Seriously, because the Phillies, that’s a team I wish my team was. I love the Phillies.”

So, let’s look at that last bit one more time, where Jim Breuer said, and I will quote again, “Seriously, because the Phillies, that’s a team I wish my team was. I love the Phillies.” Shall we take a look at who Jim Breuer’s team actually is? From his bio on his own website: “Breuer currently resides in New Jersey where he enjoys spending time with his family, playing pick-up games of baseball, softball and wiffle ball and watching the NY Mets.”

That is just what we needed today. Chase Utley’s chiseled back converted a Mets fan. Probably not the first time.