Dumbass Fox Anchor Asks Mo’ne Davis Why She Doesn’t Play a More Female-Friendly Sport like Soccer

Jim Adair | August 14, 2014

That’s Mo’Ne’s “What the hell are you asking me?” face

Mo’ne Davis, the Taney Little League player who was discovered playing football, wants to play in the WNBA, and strikes out boys her age with relative ease, should probably just play a girly sport like soccer. That is, at least, the thought of Fox News’ Eric Bolling.

Bolling asked Davis to her face why she doesn’t play a “more female-friendly sport like soccer.” Davis, laughing it off, told Bolling that she likes soccer, but it’s not her favorite sport. And why should it be? Shit, baseball doesn’t even seem to be Davis’ favorite sport and she had a “2.84 ERA and recorded 17 strikeouts against 14 baserunners in 12.2 innings” in the qualifiers in Bristol. Bolling’s idiotic question even made Elisabeth Hasselbeck the voice of reason. Do you realize how hard that is? Bolling smugly smirks to himself when Davis says she can strike him out. Don’t you realize baseball is for men, Mo’ne? Men like former draft pick of the Pittsburgh Pirates Eric Bolling?

On a related note, Clayton Kershaw doesn’t know exactly what a “pitch-off” is, but he’s down for it, Mo’ne.

Video here.