It Turns out LeSean Mccoy’s 2,000 Yards Goal Is Actually a Huge Publicity Stunt for Bounce Dryer Sheets

Kyle Scott | August 12, 2014

You’re not going to believe this, but LeSean McCoy is in the midst of a shameless, self-aggrandizing publicity stunt. I know, I know– he’s so reserved. I was thinking the same thing, too. But it’s true. It turns out Shady’s whole I’m going to rush for 2,000 yards thing, seen here…

… here…

…  here…

… and in a series of Tweets hashtagged #2000yards…

…. while it may have started out as an actual thing, has morphed into a promotion for… dryer sheets. And, shit, it’s working.

Last night, McCoy made his major announcement by releasing this video, in which he admitted to using PEDs, potential enhancing dryer sheets– Bounce, for men:

I hate myself for even admitting this, but that’s a borderline brilliant stunt and an excellent (and funny!) promotional video. #2000yards #blindfold #SmellLikeYouCan DAMMIT.

UPDATE: As Eliot Shorr-Parks points out, McCoy tossing a 45 pound weight like it’s nothing was probably also fake and a publicity stunt.