Lehigh Valley Sportscaster Punches Asshole In Chest on Live TV

Jim Adair | August 12, 2014

GIF via Jack Cotter

Alternate headline: An asshole in a cowboy hat got punched by a wily veteran sportscaster for being a dick.

During some on-location Musikfest coverage up in Bethlehem, Service Electric TV2 Sports Director Mike Zambelli laid a slow motion Dusty Rhodes punch on an idiot who tried to interrupt his newscast by attempting (and failing) at the fake “Fuck her right in the pussy” meme. The dude actually yelled “fuck her in the pussy” twice before he was on the receiving end of a nice hard mic to the sternum, delivered relatively calmly.

According to McCall, “Bethlehem police Chief Mark Diluzio said the video, while ‘hilarious,’ did not result in a report to police.” The station’s GM Jack Capparell told McCall that he’s “seen the video, [but] I’d rather not talk about it.” Sure, yeah, but we wanna talk about it. The best part of all of it is the death stare Zambelli gives this dude after he’s already sprinting away from security (aka the long-haired dude chasing him). Like “Okay, so you yelled ‘fuck her in the pussy’ twice on my live shot, but don’t you dare try to do it a third time.”

Video after the jump.