Video: Taney Dragons on the Today Show

Jim Adair | August 25, 2014

This morning, still dressed in their Mid-Atlantic gear, the Taney Dragons sat down with Matt Lauer to talk about the whirlwind ride that was their past few months. It was fairly run-of-the-mill stuff, but begins to mark the transition of these kids back into just kids, who have to go to school and do homework and not be on TV.

This past week, while Taney was on most of their run, I was away from Crossing Broad but never away from the TV while the Dragons were playing. Well, except for their walk-off round two win over Texas, when I was going from one place to another, hoping I wouldn’t miss anything. It was Joe Blanton’s World Series home run all over again for me.

And while the kids from Taney didn’t win the whole thing, they did a huge service for sports fans across the country, giving them a story in the midst of the usually plot-free LLWS in Mo’ne Davis. But for local fans, it was something different. Yes, we got Mo’ne, but we also got good baseball and something to watch during this dead time that actually had some stakes. It was a hell of a run, and football starts very soon, so we don’t have to come back down to relying on the Phillies for our entertainment. That wouldn’t work out so well.

Video after the jump.

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