I think I’m just going to keep posting about huge Eagles fan Jim Cramer until he follows me on Twitter. I’m a fan, and I feel like he would appreciate my sense of humor. Anyway, Cramer’s love of the Eagles is often on full display, and such was the case yesterday (twice) when he talked about his dream app for the Apple Watch: “If I could, for example, ask ESPN to write apps for my own Apple Watch, I would love to get an electrocharge from the darn thing when one of my players scores a touchdown.” That actually sounds like a great app. Now if only there were one that allowed me to send Cody Parkey my beating heart every time he kicks the ball out of the end zone. Wait, wait– there is an app for that? TAKE MY MONEY. TAKE IT ALL.

If there were a Venn diagram of my interests, this segment from Cramer would fall smack dab in the middle of the damn thing. But I promise to mention the Apple Watch only three more times today.