LeSean McCoy Reportedly Left a .32% Tip at PYT

Jim Adair | September 8, 2014

Less than an hour ago, LeSean McCoy and precisely three friends were a little hungry, so they headed to PYT in the Piazza. Shady must not have liked the service, or the food, or maybe he’s more Buscemi than we thought, because he left a twenty cent tip on a bill of just over $61. PYT’s Facebook page, obviously still flabbergasted by the money left behind, mistakenly called it a .03% tip. It’s not that. That’s ridiculous. It’s actually a .32% tip, which is insultingly bad. It’s so low, that it’s actually better to leave nothing. I don’t know if the service was terrible or what, but that twenty cent tip is a message tip. That’s not a “bad tip,”
that’s a “I want them to know how I feel” tip. Or at least I hope so, because if he thinks that is an acceptable tip, he may need to undergo some concussion tests.

[Editor’s note: The publicity is now worth more than the entire meal. Maybe Shady’s like that Tips For Jesus guy but just works in mysterious ways? Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Something like that? I believe, Shady! I believe! Maybe. Or not. Probably not. What a dick.]

UPDATE: We’re probably going to hire this guy now:

h/t readers Dinky, Ben, Mike and Melissa