Nerlens Noel is Running Part of the Rocky II Training Montage Today, Hopefully Not Re-Tearing His ACL

Jim Adair | September 12, 2014

According to the Inquirer, starting between 1 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. today — aka right about now — Nerlens Noel and a camera crew from NBA TV will be recreating some of the Rocky II training montage run:

A camera crew will track Noel as he works out at 11 a.m., goes through a shootaround session at noon, and grabs lunch. Starting between 1 and 1:30, Noel will run at the various spots around the city that Stallone used in his movies’ iconic training sequences, including the Italian Market, Independence Hall, and Kelly Drive. Noel’s “run” will culminate around 3 p.m. at the Art Museum, where 100 to 150 middle-school and high school students will join him as he sprints up the steps. Then everyone will have Papa John’s pizza, since Papa John’s is one of the event’s sponsors.

I assume those 100 to 150 middle school and high school kids will come in handy when they have to carry Nerlens and his torn ACL up the steps after he re-tears it emulating Rocky. At least they’ll all get Papa John’s, so you know it’s definitely worth it.

It’s all part of Nerlens’ plan, according to the Inky, to launch an annual Nerlens Noel Rocky Run 5K for charity (which does not seem to be related to this, or is it? There’s no way they’re doing two officially licensed “Rocky Run 5k” runs, right?).

All joking aside, I’m sure Nerlens’ ACL is totally fine, but that would be the absolute worst way to re-injure yourself.