Brandon Boykin is Going to Buy a Bunch of Ice Cream for Kids if they Start Reading
The Eagles have a lot of free time on their bye week, and while some may be relaxing or going out to party, Brandon Boykin is encouraging kids to read and bribing them with ice cream. As reported by Brian Hickey over at Newsworks, Boykin spoke to kids at Prince Hall Elementary School on Wednesday about the importance or reading. One super cool kid told Boykin he reads “Dictionaries [and] other large books,” like a total boss, but Boykin was there to serve in his role as the “leading voice” of the “READ! By 4th Campaign” to get 4th grade students reading at a 4th grade level. He even tried to bribe them:
If the kids keep up their end of the bargain by reading daily, he’ll return to the West Oak Lane to visit and, quite possibly, host an ice-cream party. (He joked that he would tackle those who don’t abide by the reading rules).
And as one of the only people in the Eagles secondary who is actually a good tackler, someone should tell these kids he means business.