UPDATE: "Gerry Bertier" Says "[F] the Cowboys"
Ryan Hurst — the actor known to Sons of Anarchy fans as Opie and everyone else as Gerry Bertier — was recently stopped by TMZ and obviously wanted no part of it. That is until the interviewer asked if he still followed football and then called the Cowboys “America’s Team.” Hurst turned around, threw one finger in the air (a different one than above) and warmed our hearts by saying “F*ck the Dallas Cowboys. Eagles all day.” He then told the woefully underprepared TMZ cameraman who asked who his inspiration for Bertier was that it was Randall Cunningham, when Gerry Bertier was actually a real person. And it’s a great day for this all to come out, because is there really any better “Culture Wins Football” movie than Remember the Titans?
UPDATE: Or, this would be great if it was Ryan Hurst, which it apparently isn’t. Having not watched Sons of Anarchy (apparently just like everyone at TMZ), he looked enough like Hurst to me, but it’s just some random dude (probably) who looks like Hurst (kinda) saying “F*ck the Dallas Cowboys,” a sentiment which we still fully support. TMZ got this one wrong, and Ryan Hurst’s die-hard fans (who exist) are furious.