The Eagles' Team Photo Is, in Fact, in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
The Eagles do everything fast. So when it was time to take the team photo, Chip Kelly said they set a record by getting all of the pictures done in just about five minutes [editor’s note: four minutes and 40 seconds]. In response to how fast the photos were taken, Coach Kelly said, “It’s not like it’s going to be hanging in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It’s going to go in someone’s office somewhere, so let’s just get it done.” He’s right, except that he’s wrong.
Today, in response to the coach’s comments, the Philadelphia Museum of Art framed up the team photo and displayed it next to a paining of Prometheus — a Titan, the Greek giants of myth — being overpowered by an Eagle. It looks like the Eagles social media game is elevating the work of those around them, and it’s great.