Aaron Rodgers Prepares for the Eagles By Going to Bucks Game with Girlfriend Olivia Munn
I’m just gonna get this out of the way– Aaron Rodgers is extraordinarily good looking. So is Olivia Munn. They make a cute couple. But after seeing this photo of them sitting next to what appears to be bizarro John du Pont at the Bucks game last night, I’m not so sure A-Rodge knows what he’s in for on Sunday. I can only assume that while Rodgers was whispering sweet nothings to The Newsroom’s underrated star, Connor Barwin was habituating to Mr. Double Check’s scent while listening to a hot new indie record (vinyl, of course). And that’s before we talk about dating champ Mark Sanchez. You’re going up against the best on Sunday, Aaron– in multiple regards. Don’t let that wildcat (look around before clicking that one) wear you out.
As you can tell, I’m irrationally excited for the game on Sunday. Couple of celeb quarterbacks duking it out.