BLACK FRIDAY DEALS: 20% off in the CB Store, and More
This is straightforward: Take 20% off ALL ITEMS except Ugly Christmas Sweatshirts. We’ve beefed up stock on all Birds shirts, and Wolf of Broad Street, Big Shot and others are back in-stock. We have all-new shirts, too.
The Ugly Christmas Sweatshirts are on FIRE right now, and they are only $29 each or 2 for $50 with code BELLS.
Shop now
Let’s face it– you’re going to shop at Amazon this holiday season. Click our link and support us while you do so. We’ll get a commission for referring your sale. It’s that simple. And their Black Friday Deals are ridiculous right now. You can get the new Kindle for like $79.
This isn’t so much of a sale as it is just good advice: Through our friends at TiqIQ, with Crossing Broad Tickets we’re able to aggregate the best deals on tickets – sports, concerts and more – and show them to you in a simple, searchable and sortable interface. View by price, by seat location, by deal, whatever. If you’re buying tickets this holiday season – for yourself, or someone else under the stipulation that they take you – then I promise you you’ll be best served by shopping through Crossing Broad Tickets.
All sales are completed with the vendor (Tickey City, Tickets Now, eBay, etc.) and are 100% secure. I put my money where my mouth is on this one– I buy virtually all of my tickets using the platform. It’s easy, safe and quick. Give it a try, you’ll be hooked.
If you already have all of our shirts, or just want to buy more, our friends at Philly Phaithful are offering 20% off everything for the rest of the day. Shop now.
You know about Draft Kings by now. Fun, addictive daily fantasy games. There are a ton of sporting events this weekend that would be made infinitely more fun if you had some skin in the game. And Draft Kings is offering BLACK FRIDAY DISCOUNTS on some of the most popular NBA leagues. And if you sign up now, (minimum deposit is only $5– it’s totally secure and safe, and legal), they’ll give you FREE ENTRY to a paid game and match your initial deposit (with a bonus that releases over time).
Let’s face it– you don’t want to drive or walk anywhere this winter. So use Uber. Sign up right here and enter code CROSSINGBROAD to receive basically a FREE ride ($20 credit). That’ll take you on a medium-length city trip at no cost. You will have to enter your credit card to create an account, but there are no hidden fees or charges. It’s simply so you can be charged if and when you go over your $20 credit. You can also download the app and use Apple Pay on your iPhone. Get $20 off your first ride here.
Finally, the NFL Shop is offering 20% off all orders over $50 today with code NFLBF. Shop here. I’m sure they will have great deals all weekend long, too.
Full disclosure: With the exception of our store (obviously…), these are all affiliate links and we get a small commission for referring your sale. We could do this for virtually any product or retailer, but I tried to aggregate the best and most relevant deals for you, the CB reader. I shop at Amazon, use our ticket service, wear our shirts and Philly Phaithful’s, play Draft Kings like a fiend (I signed my grandmother up for a $1 50-50 league yesterday, true story), and would use Uber more if I didn’t live in Horsham. These are all good deals with good companies, and by shopping with them through our links you’ll also be supporting me, Jim and the site in general. So as always, thanks!