Photo Credit: Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports

Photo Credit: Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports

During the season, right before the trade deadline (and after), there were talks of Cole Hamels getting traded, specifically to the Cubs. And now that the offseason is nearly in full swing, those same talks are heating up. Hamels has no-trade capabilities though, so it really all comes down to what he wants. And according to Ruben Amaro, he’s ready to get outta here.

A little birdie — Bob Nightengale of USA Today Sports — says Hamels is ready to move on.

“[Hamels] was neutral when I talked to him, [but he’s] happy to go,” Amaro told Nightengale.

Cole wants to win, of course, and “he signed his contract, and he plans on honoring the contract,” but really, he’d be happy to leave. And it only makes sense. Hamels is the only useful Phillie currently in his prime, and his talents are truly wasted here now and will continue to be if he sticks around waiting for this team to rebuild before his own skills deteriorate. On his way out, he can help facilitate that whole rebuilding thing, and that’s really the best way he can help the Phillies. So it’s common sense that Cole Hamels would be ready and willing to get out of here, but then again, how much can you trust someone who classifies Heidi Hamels as an “actress.”

UPDATE: It’s unclear if the Cubs are on Hamels’ list of nine teams that he CAN be traded to. Each November, he submits a list of 20 that he CAN NOT be traded to without his permission. Buster Olney is complicating the issue:

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Sounds like he probably can be traded to the Cubs without his permission, if I had to guess. Thanks to Jordan for pointing that out: