Jason Kelce, Everyman, Reunited Soldiers and Their Families
As part of Jason Kelce’s partnership with Dietz & Watson — the most everyman of all the everymen is the one who partners with lunchmeat — he faked out the families of a couple of soldiers. The families of Tech Sargent Silmer Carmona and Senior Airman of the International Guard Tariq Fladger were told that they had won a contest to eat a home-cooked Dietz & Watson meal made by Kelce, and were probably hoping he’d wear a beard net. But it was all really just a setup to reunite the families with their loved ones who were returning home. [And it all happened in the shadow of Crossing Broad Global Headquarters, at Horsham Air Guard Station.]
“Seeing it on TV doesn’t actually compare to being there in person,” Kelce said of the surprise. “In being here tonight, I got to see the genuine joy and excitement when the families found out that Tony (Carmona) and Tariq were there. I got to see something really special and I was just happy to be here with all of this.”
The soldiers were also given personalized jerseys and tickets to the Nov. 23rd game against the Titans.