LeSean McCoy Says the 4-12 2012 Eagles Were More Talented than the Current Team
LeSean McCoy said some things on his weekly radio show at Chickie’s and Pete’s with Anthony Gargano and, this week, Eagles pitchman Dave Spadaro. About mid-way through, the conversation turned to how far the Eagles have improved over the 4-12 2012 team. That’s when McCoy got nutty and Spadaro was forced to (rightly) go into full OH HOLY SHIT damage control mode:
McCoy: “When we had that terrible season, we were very talented. Very, very talented. I want to say, even more or just as talented. I would say more. I would say more talented than this team, I think.
Spadaro: “No.”
Gargano: “The 4-12 team more talented than this one?”
Spadaro, presumably shooting daggers at McCoy and reminding him that he was on live radio and OFF-MESSAGE: “Shady and I are looking at each other here talking about this…”
McCoy, who just managed to offend Jordan Matthews and Riley Cooper: “We had Maclin and DeSean.”
Spadaro: “Yeah, but, the offensive line.”
McCoy: “Was hurt.”
Spadaro: “Was hurt. Now it’s healthy. Now you have Ertz coming in. More depth. You got Sproles helping out.”
McCoy: “Ah yeah, you’re right.”
Spadaro: “Little more depth at quarterback.”
It continued:
McCoy, forgetting that his defense just turned in a wonderful performance: “The line makes everything go, it’s hard to say. The talent level, though, I don’t know. I mean, you know the defense (referring to the 2012 team).”
Spadaro, looking for the dump button: “Defense is a lot better now.”
McCoy: “I forget, was Asante on that team?”
Spadaro: “No, that was DRC..”
McCoy, for some reason fondly remembering DRC: “Woooooah!”
Spadaro, setting the conversation up for an easy turn around: “And Nnamdi.”
McCoy, doing what everyone does when they hear that name: “[Laughs.]”
Shady just wouldn’t let it go and rattled off the names of Eagles past:
McCoy: “We had Trent, we had Babin… we had Mike Vick, Cullen Jenkins. You know, that’s hard to say. It’s close, how about that? It’s close.”
Gargano: “Special teams is way better now.”
McCoy, agreeing: “Yeah the special teams is way better now.”
Spadaro, with the loaded question of the night: “Is the coaching a lot better now?”
McCoy, missing an opportunity to save face: “Ah, as far as what? Because Andy, you know. “
That was about it. Shady did admit that Sproles is a better returner than D-Jac. But my God, what is he thinking? The names he cited to back up his argument: DeSean Jaccson, DRC, Mike Vick, Cullen Jenkins and JASON BABIN. There’s no doubt that some of those guys had(!) supreme physical abilites, but with the exception of maybe DeSean, you couldn’t argue that you’d want the 2012 version of any of those guys on this team, which, by the way, IS 7-2(!!!).
Audio can be heard here— around the 14-minute mark. It’s worth listening to just to hear Spadaro’s panicked WTF reaction alone.
via CSN