Report: CB West Also Dabbled in Racism
At this pace, maybe new info will stop coming out just in time for the 2015 season. According to The Intelligencer in Doylestown, now-former CB West coach Brian Hensel had met with the school’s principal and director of athletics multiple times this year to discuss instances of “ethnic and racial bullying” last season. Those incidents reportedly led to Hensel and his staff attending sensitivity training.
The Intelligencer’s source said that the coach knew about it, but did nothing to stop it or report it [I’m sensing a trend] and it “took the parents of the kids who were bullied to let the principal know about it.” The paper’s source also said that Hensel and his staff’s refusal to sign the code of conduct dealt with the passage on player injury, which read:
Coaches Have A Responsibility To: Communicate and cooperate with registered medical practitioners in the diagnoses, treatment and management of their athletes’ medical and psychological problems. Consider the athlete’s future health and well being as foremost when making decisions regarding an injured athlete’s ability to continue playing or training
Hensel said he and his staff would not sign the code of conduct because he felt it did not completely protect them from liability. So the CB West story, which started with just hazing, now involves racial bullying and (likely) worries about dealing with player concussions. Throw in a sex scandal or a racist team name and you’ve pretty much got the perfect football story.