Ron Hextall Hollered at His Team after yet Another Terrible Loss
The Flyers have lost their last three games and haven’t won since November 8. They played terribly – lacklustery? – in a 2-0 loss to the Rangers last night. And Ron Hextall is inching closer to swinging his proverbial goalie stick at someone’s head.
After the game, he spoke with equally frustrated reporters about the effort and his post-game, um, speech, and played a game of cat and mouse with Tim Panaccio, who wanted to know if this was the first time Hextall was a BIG MEANIE to his players:
Hextall: Yeah, it bothered me a lot. We didn’t come out hungry enough. We didn’t… we didn’t [purses lips, Lavs style] play well. We got to be a lot better than that.
Panaccio: Is that the first time this season you’ve hollered at them?
Hextall: When and where?
Panaccio: Hollered at the room.
Hextall: Hollered at who?
Panaccio: The players. When was the last time you did this?
Hextall: I haven’t done it.
Panaccio: That wasn’t you?
Hextall: I’m not gonna confirm or deny it, but I’m saying…
Panaccio: Well the players said you read them the riot act.
Hextall: I’m didn’t read them the riot act, I just said I was very disappointed. Very disappointed.
Fun times.