Happening now: Ed Rendell talking to Mike and Mike about Santa Claus. Some things never change.

Happening now: Ed Rendell talking to Mike and Mike about Santa Claus. Some things never change.

Hey don’t look now, but the Flyers are 6-2 in their last eight games including wins against the Penguins, Red Wings and Kings. Steve Mason has won three-straight and given up only five goals over that span. And somehow, they’re doing this with a nympho and a patchwork quilt of defenders. This weekend it was announced that Shayne Gostisbehere has a torn ACL that will require surgery and Luke Schenn will be out for approximately two weeks with an upper-body injury. Once again, credit to Craig Berube for coaching a flawed team out of a bad start.

Let’s hit it!


But first, a word from our sponsors:


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Win. Another excellent, honest explanation video from the folks at Godfather Locks on how they arrive at their picks. Love this idea, and not just because they’re a sponsor– it’s actually informative and not filled with nonsensical hype. Follow (@GodfatherLocks) to win FREE weekly subscriptions.

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MNF. Join our friends from Bleeding Green Nation, BGN Radio and Philly Phaithful TONIGHT at Philly Phaithful’s showroom to watch Monday Night Football. There are a just a few spots left. Details here.

Uber. Get $20 in free ride credits when you sign up using code CROSSINGBROAD.

Amazon. You probably shop there. If so, click our link as we get a small commission for referring the sale. Now that the holidays are approaching, you can both get your Christmas shopping done and support us by doing so.

Tickets. We have the best available tickets for Eagles games on the secondary market rounded up at Crossing Broad Tickets.

NRG. We have a great giveaway coming up thanks to our friend and Eagles sponsor, NRG Energy.


The roundup:

via (@MattMiller120)

via (@MattMiller120)

One year ago this weekend was the Flyers’ pseudo infamous loss in which Claude Giroux left the building without talking to hacky media members. It eventually led to copious amounts of crow being served.

Here’s a curious video DeSean Jaccson posted to Instagram this weekend. It features Allen Iverson yelling something, I think, about DeSean being the best:


H/T to (@yoitsbird)

Today in iPads at Sporting Events (Featuring YOUR PHONE HAS A BETTER CAMERA):

via (@BrianBKKelly)

via (@BrianBKKelly)

via (@tkarp31)

via (@tkarp31)

What do we think Patrick Roy is saying here?


H/T to (@Banditmax)

The Vick brothers are humbly proud of QB 7 – I’m sorry V1 – for his arbitrary achievement:

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And if you can’t already feel V1‘s graciousness, he also said that the Jets would have more wins if he was starting all along.

Poor Brock Osweiler – the most backup QB name ever – is upset that he didn’t get into Denver’s BLOWOUT of the Raiders sooner.

Excellent Manning Face.

A brilliant Breaking Madden this week in which Jon Bois attempts to get Mark Sanchez the Super Bowl he deserves. The rules:

1. I’ll install Sanchez as the starting quarterback of each NFL team, one at a time, and using Madden’s in-menu simulator, I’ll sim an entire season of every team’s Mark Sanchez Experience.

2. If Sanchez still can’t take a team to the Super Bowl after 32 tries, I’ll look over our body of research, identify the teams with whom he reached his greatest potential, and start him on those teams until he reaches the Super Bowl. I will do this for as long as it takes, because this is important. As @sorryeveryone, my friend and favorite Jets fan, told me, “Everyone deserves life after the Jets.”

3. Whenever we do reach the Super Bowl, I’ll actually watch the game itself, but I won’t actually play. I’ll simply call whichever play Madden suggests, put the controller down, and let Mark do his thing, whatever that may be.

4. This experiment ends once Mark plays in the Super Bowl, win or lose. He will have one shot at a ring, and one only.

5. No matter how long this takes, I will absolutely not, under any circumstances, employ any cheats or shortcuts. I will never edit Mark’s player ratings to make him better. If I did that, he would not be Mark Sanchez at all.

6. There is only one break from reality: I’ve turned injuries off. This is only to ensure that Mark plays an entire season. I think this is entirely fair, since all his opponents will, too.

How did it turn out? Well, I won’t spoil the ending for you. But let’s just say I’m still only around 91% confident in Sanchez.

Hey, how are things going in Cowboy land? Well, it depends on your view. Tony Romo played (well) despite his old man back in the Cowboys’ win over the Jaguars in London. That’s something to be proud of. But Dez Bryant was one of 20 Cowboys who missed curfew Friday night in London, and then came this NFL.com report:

“This is a genuine concern,” Rapoport said. “The Cowboys, I am told by multiple sources involved in the situation, do not trust Dez Bryant off the field. They feared — and they have feared for a while — that it will all blow up in his face, that a variety of small incidents will all come back to haunt him. …

“I went to the DeSoto (Texas) City Police Department. I found six instances of police coming to Dez Bryant’s house — that’s where he lives, in DeSoto. Among the incidents — and none of these were convictions — there was a harassment incident, there was a robbery at his house, the fire department had to come and unlock his car that had a sleeping baby inside. All of these things give the Cowboys cause for concern. He’s had anger management; they have a manager with him at all times. But they are very nervous, and this is one reason they have not wanted to give him the guaranteed money that most elite receivers get.”

And then there’s fellow wide receiver Cole Beasley, who told a Cowboys fan to eat a dick:

via (@TomCristino44)

via (@TomCristino44)


Kacie McDonnell send anniversary (of meeting?) wishes to future husband Aaron Murray:

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Jeff McLane’s mid-season Eagles report card.


Liberty Broadcast


Great new shows available right now. BGN’s Radio’s John Barchard joined me and Jim on Crossing Streams to talk about our podcast venture, the time Ryan Seacrest nearly fired him, and lousy beat writers. Tony Bruno’s latest show was recorded live and with live callers. And BGN Radio’s always must-listen game preview show, for Eagles-Panthers, is up. Listen to all of them and find links to subscribe at LibertyBroadcast.co.