Riley Cooper and Everyman Jason Kelce were at the Flyers Game, But It's This Guy's Tweet that was the Highlight of the Night
It’s in the caption above, but let’s just appreciate that again:
Both Kelce and Cooper were at the Flyers game last night on the Club Level (feel like Mr. Snider would want that capitalized), so that’s where we assume this picture was taken. There’s a lot to unpack here, and honestly I don’t know where to begin, but if that Tweet was a joke, it’s perfect. If it was serious, because the tweeter and Cooper had a good conversation about the Eric Garner situation and race in America, it’s perfect. If Cooper just dropped that line as a non sequitur that he thought was appropriate, that’s perfect. Hell, if Cooper had an allergic reaction to shellfish and just shouted “I can’t breathe,” that’s perfect.
All the while, Kelce just smiles.