"Teen Mom" Claims She Was Kicked out of the Linc after Responding to a Lazy Heckle
This was mentioned briefly in the Roundup, but we figured it probably deserves some fleshing out.
Teen Mom 2‘s Kail Lowry — no longer a teen, still a mom — was at yesterday’s Eagles/Cowboys game at Lincoln Financial Field. She was wearing a Cowboys hat. She got kicked out. These are the facts we know. The story Lowry (and her husband) tell, however, says that they were heckled, defended themselves, and were then removed from the stadium.
According to Lowry and her husband Javi Marroquin (who was in Eagles gear), they were both sober and enjoying the game when someone either decided to heckle Lowry for her Cowboys fandom or her former Teen Mom-dom and yelled, “go have another fucking baby.” Not the most original, hottest burn in the world. The couple defended themselves, things likely got a little heated, and they were removed.
Lowry then claimed that a security worker at Lincoln Financial Field was taking pictures of her as she was waiting in the holding area. Later, someone who seemed to work for the Linc in an “events coordinator” position started tweeting from her (now deleted) account saying they kicked Lowry out for being a “wasted ratchet girl.” And no, no one over 40 knows what any of this means.
Personally, I have seen security at the Linc work swiftly and correctly, but I have also seen fights carry on way too long with no one within a hundred feet and seemingly random ejections. The worst outcome of all of this though? Probably all of the angry Tweets sent @LFFStadium, and the Monday morning for whoever’s job it is to sort through all of them.