The reaction to the reported Jimmy Rollins trade has been interesting to watch. Though many have wanted this to happen for a couple of seasons now (myself included), it’s still sad to see one of the team’s all-time greats go. But it’s a big part of the fans and the team finally letting go of the now-aging core, which is necessary to move forward. Still, Rollins’ 2090 games played as a Phillie is second only to Mike Schmidt, so this is… difficult. And no, I’m not crying, my contact lens just popped out and I had hot sauce on my hand and I put it in my eye or something.

Here are some of Rollins’ greatest moments:

Setting the franchise hits record:

A 2007 Inside the Park home run called by Harry Kalas:

Check out more clips after the jump.

Addressing the crowd at CBP after the World Series Parade:

Here’s a video with the Franzke and L.A. call of that 2009 Game 4 walk-off:

Making a kid’s Make-a-Wish come true:

Rollins doing one of the rare pro athlete acting jobs that isn’t terrible in a Dick’s Sporting Goods commercial:

Rollins’ big sixth-inning triple to help clinch the NL East title in 2007 is here, as one of Rollins’ top-five hits of his career.

Being profiled on “Real Sports”:

Rollins’ 200th career home run: