Why Does Mark Sanchez Look Like an Old Man When He Works Out?
Alternate headline: Here’s a Pic of Ripped-Up Connor Barwin and Mark Sanchez for the Ladies and also the Dudes
From Special Teams specialist Chris Maragos comes this comparison shot of Barwin and Sanchez gettin’ mad and pumpin’ iron. That’s Kyle’s headline at the top, and I can’t exactly put my finger on why, but Sanchez really does look pretty old man-esque. Maybe it’s the no shirt/sweatpants combo? The short-neck struggle look? The super-thin gold chain? It’s probably a combination of all three of those. Kyle’s got some thoughts.
Kyle: For real, why does Sanchez look like the wrinkly-balled old guy at the gym who grunts in a way that makes you unsure whether he’s working his tris or having a horrific flashback from ‘Nam? This concerns me greatly. I think you hit the nail on the head with short-neck struggle look, though. You put into words what I could only feel. Speaking of feeling: I would love to feel safe in Connor Barwin’s arms. Hold me, Connor. Hold me.