Aaron Murray's Friend Claims Kacie McDonnell Won't Return the $40k Engagement Ring
The original Tweet – from Aaron Murray’s former Georgia teammate (@alynch1788) – has since been deleted, but there are plenty of initial replies to prove it happened:
Gotta say– absolute power move here from Kacie. Give me a $40k ring, make me move to F-ing Kansas City, and then dump me, leaving me stuck doing traffic in the 31st media market in the country (do they even have traffic in Kansas City?!)? Uh, yeah, I’d keep the ring, too. Actually, I’d pawn it, take the money I made and hire a world-class photographer to take super hi-res Olivia Munn-style photos – DO NOT CLICK THAT LINK! – and then send them to Murray with pictures of Andy Reid’s fat head photoshopped over all the good parts and a message telling the backup quarterback to go stick it… “anywhere but here.” But alas, I’m a lanky blogger with averaged-sized hands, so that’s not in the cards for me. Either way, ring’s hers– fair and square. Hell, she should be paid some sort of engagement alimony just for being forced to move to goddamned Missouri. I don’t think I can stress that part enough.
But seriously, anyone who bases their entire relationship off the lyrics to Fools Rush In is pretty much asking for it anyway. Listen to the wise men!