

With all due respect to our on-air meteorologists, most of the local news weather people get their weather from experts like Gary Szatkowski out of the National Weather Service in Mount Holly, New Jersey. What you see on TV is packaged, and teased, to maximize ratings, with nonsense like FIRST ALERT WEATHER DAY! And what you often get are slightly outdated oversimplifications of more granular predictions. So if you want the latest weather updates, in near real-time, from true weather experts and reasonable on-air personalities, these are the Twitter accounts you should be following:

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Gary’s the best, and it’s not even close. Dude gives you straight-up, non-alarmist local weather forecasts in a detailed – BUT APPROACHABLE! – fashion. If you follow no one else from this post, follow Gary (@GarySzatkowski).

Here’s a classic Gary Tweet…

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… which is often followed up by his reasonable worst-case scenario:

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The others are a mix of weather heads plugged into advanced computer models, local weather experts, the best TV meteorologists, and John Bolaris for fun and TO SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU (but often accurately). I put all of them into an easy-to-follow list:
