Voila_Capture 2015-01-29_02-30-27_PM

Sweet take, King.

Didn’t catch this yesterday– but the best part of You know why I’m here is Howard Eskin pestering Lynch (for the second day in a row) and not even getting a response.

pic via Seattle Times

grab via Seattle Times

All Howard:

“Marshawn, why do you have to be a jerk to all of us?”


“I don’t know [why you’re here], can you help me out?”


“Why are we here?”


“Marshawn, can you get fined for not answering all the questions?”


“Who set the time limit on how long you had to be here?”


You’d think that would’ve been the end of it, but no, no. After Lynch stood up as soon as his five minutes was up, Eskin’s bag of hot air exploded: “Two seconds short! 4:57, actually. Because I started as soon as he sat down. So he was two seconds short.”

A moment later, a female reporter (I believe the one holding the camera) mumbles: “Who the fuck is this guy?”

Video after the jump.