Sal Pal Gives SCORCHING HOT TAKE on Tom Brady Losing Female Fans
Sal Pal was on ESPN today, because they had a blank wall and it wasn’t going to throw shit at itself. And since there’s little to ponder in #deflategate, Sal Pal went back to one of his commentarial crutches– the brand.
Here’s what fecal slinger Sal – FSS – had to say about the impact Tom Brady’s cheating will have on Ugg boots sales:
“Women don’t like cheaters. And what’s the number one demographic that Tom Brady tries to sell Ugg boots to? WOMEN! Guys are not going into the mall and going “let me get a pair of Uggs!” No, guys don’t go into the mall for Uggs. Women do. This was clearly motivated because Tom Brady knows, and the people around him know, that his brand is damaged by this, not only on the football field but what he sells off the football field.”
Few things:
2) For correctness, Tom Brady promotes Ugg Mens– so he is, actually, trying to sell boots to men. But whatevs. I doubt Sal is ever concerned about the accuracy of the waste that spews from his lips.
3) If you’ll recall, Sal Pal and his big heaping mound of shit used the exact same argument on January 2, when he was fanning the flames about Chip Kelly leaving the Eagles (just three hours before Kelly got a promotion). Here’s what he said to Jon and Sean on 97.5 when he called for the Eagles to hold a press conference to avoid IRREVERSIBLE BRAND DAMAGE:
“There’s a constituency out there. They’re stuck in traffic right now on I-95 and the Schuylkill Expressway. They buy their kids jerseys and hats and pay for parking out the nose and pay for seats and support this team. That’s an important constituency. You have this kind of turmoil and rampant speculation and it hurts the brand in a way that’s difficult to rebuild in a short period of time.”
Sal Pal is so full of shit.
H/T to (@My_NameAintEarl)