Voila_Capture 2015-01-29_08-59-40_AM

The great Sean Kingston had no idea what he was on to.

From Dana DiFilippo and David Gambacorta of the Daily News:

A fiery sex scandal threatens to burn up multiple firefighters’ careers, including some top brass, according to former Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayers.

Ayers told the Daily News today that the investigation into a young paramedic’s claims of sexual misconduct began shortly before he retired in June.

The paramedic filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, alleging misconduct against another paramedic. Soon after, rumors surfaced that she had sexual encounters with numerous firefighters, paramedics and supervisors in firehouses while on- and off-duty all around the city.

CBS 3’s Walt Hunter:

Among the allegations under investigation, a female member found engaging in sexual activity with two male members inside a vehicle and, sources confirm, sexual activity among the female member and male members at several firehouses around the city.

That’s hot.

This story is sizzling right now and on the verge of blowing up, and I can’t figure out why. So you’re telling me that firefighters, who are asked to sit around for hours on end waiting for the call, can’t get in a little hose work in the interim? That’s poppycock. What’s the difference between mopping floors or playing cards and taking care of a damsel in distress in the cab of the ol’ hook-and-ladder? Quite frankly, I’d be concerned if my firefighters weren’t staying loose while on the job. Do you want a guy who was pried away from his hot tea and a good book or a burly stud with blood pumping whose Id is in overdrive running into your towering inferno? Um, I’ll take the neanderthal, thanks. Firrree baaaad. Waaater goooood. Save lady. Whatever you gotta do to stay up, ladderman. What(whom)ever you gotta do.

Side note: Please tell me Danny Watkins was involved.