Someone Paid $1.3 Million to Get Paid Darryl Strawberry's Deferred Salary by the Mets
The Mets are a hilarious joke of a franchise with a history of financial tomfoolery rivaled by no one else. Whether it be screwing around with Bernie Madoff or paying Bobby Bonilla $30 million well past his retirement, they really make a show of it. And now, they will be writing checks to some dude who has nothing to do with them at all for the next 18 years.
According to the Associated Press, one man paid $1.3 million at auction for the “deferred compensation agreement included in Darryl Strawberry’s 1985-90 contact with the New York Mets.” The winning bidder will receive a check from the Mets every month in the amount of $8,891.82 for the next 18-plus-years.
The payments were auctioned off on the orders of a U.S. District Judge to satisfy tax liens for Strawberry’s federal tax debts, and now some dude somewhere is on the Mets’ payroll. Don’t ever change, guys.