The Sixers are Great at Social Media
We’ve done a lot of talking around here about the social media accounts of the teams in this town. Phillies? Bad. Everyone else is pretty good. But the Sixers are really hitting their stride this year, and Complex just named them the third best in the NBA. Falling only behind the Atlanta Hawks and the Portland Trailblazers, Complex said of the Sixers’ efforts:
Thank God for @Sixers, otherwise Philly fans would have an even tougher time stomaching the concentrated rotgut that is Tankapalooza. The Sixers’ Vine presence is strong, they aren’t afraid to laugh at themselves, and they also seem to be one of the few NBA Twitter accounts that knows what an emoji is. Kudos!
The @Sixers account is run by Max Rappaport (who also runs the Sixers’ Snapchat) and Alessandro Gasparro, who balance the goofy, the play-by-play, and the highlight reel into one entertaining Twitter feed. It offers a nice balance to the basketball output of meaningless games and large point differentials. The Sixers may not be winning (on purpose), but @Sixers is doing pretty damn well.