ESPN Suspended Keith Olbermann over His Tweets about Penn State
Last night, for some reason, Keith Olbermann decided to again lay into Penn State students and Blue and Whiters at large on possibly the worst day on the calendar to do so– the Monday after THON, during which, this year, PSU raised $13.3 million for charity.
Olbermann, whose disdain for all things Penn State is well known, called Penn State folks pitiful…
… morons…
… stupid…
… and liars:
You get the point. It was bad, and childish. [Perhaps instead of calling Penn State students “pitiful” for doing a good thing, Olbermann would’ve been better served with a more specific attack pointing out their annoying tendency to act like they are the only philanthropic student body in the country simply because they have one of the largest enrollments and can raise a substantial, and impressive, sum of money. But it’s probably too late for that.] So ESPN suspended Olbermann:
We are aware of the exchange Keith Olbermann had on Twitter last night regarding Penn State. It was completely inappropriate and does not reflect the views of ESPN. We have discussed it with Keith, who recognizes he was wrong. ESPN and Keith have agreed that he will not host his show for the remainder of this week and will return on Monday. The annual tradition of THON and the efforts of the students of Penn State to fight pediatric cancer should be applauded.
Of course, the Penn State reaction to this, in some cases, is about as mature as Olbermann’s Tweets:
Carry on.