Voila_Capture 2015-02-10_01-19-19_PMFranklin

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Some number of kids, who should probably be in school, turned out for the unveiling of Franklin, whose backstory is that he’s a dog that was present at famous Philly and Sixers events, such as the signing of the Declaration of Independence…

Looks like Franklin put his own JH on the DOI

Looks like Franklin put his own JH on the DOI

… Allen Iverson’s step-over…

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…. and so on.

For some inexplicable reason, Franklin has morphed from a normal-ish blue bulldog into a walking, dunking, human-sized ball of fuzz. [Stay off HGH, kids.]

The modern iteration of Franklin made his debut by rappelling from the ceiling whilst, thankfully for the kids in attendance, successfully avoiding his very own Blue Blazer moment:

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And then he danced and dunked because why not?

franklin dance
