Old, Ink-stained Scriptuals Have Real Problem with Girl Getting Her Own Sports TV Show
I’m going to get such joy out of the inevitable backlash hurled at NY Post and NY Daily writers Phil Mushnick and Bob Raissman, both of whom apparently have a problem with FOX Sports 1 giving genuinely funny and original online star Katie Nolan a show.
I’d be lying if I said these grafs weren’t taken directly from Awful Announcing, who found them, but they’re too good to ignore. First, Mushnick, whose dig at Nolan, buried deep within a larger article about sports broadcast production, completely overshadows what was an otherwise good piece:
Vulgar continues to be the substitute for clever or funny.
Thus it figures that FOX Sports 1 can’t get enough of Katie Nolan, who will now star in the self-indictment, “Garbage Time.” Last we checked, young Nolan’s smug delivery and crude content included a self-satisfied ditty in which she rhymed Jets with Tourette’s.
A FOX Sports news release headlines Nolan as blessed with an “Irreverent Style and Biting Wit,” code for coarse and cheap. And not that Sundays are now content-different than TV Mondays through Saturdays, but “Garbage Time” will be seen/obscene Sundays in prime time.
And Raissman, who is gunning for the title of oldest, whitest sportswriter on Earth with this drivel:
Through the years we’ve seen many foolish decisions, most by us. Yet a recent one by the brainiacs at Fox Sports ranks high on the list.
Next month on FS1, the Foxies will debut a show called “Garbage Time” staring Katie Nolan.
For starters, why would anyone feel compelled to watch anything to do with “Garbage”? And, as even the Foxies must know, “Garbage Time” is the worst part of any game, usually when a team is getting blown out. It always results in viewers changing the channel or turning off their TV.
“Garbage Time”? Maybe this is a show about irrelevance.
If you’re unfamiliar with Nolan, she was a YouTube sensation – from Boston, which seems to be the case for just about every groundbreaking national sports personality – known for her witty, sarcastic takes, who got hired by FOX Sports and who will now have her own show on FOX Sports 1. She has a unique style which – like it or hate it – is wholly different from most of the slop currently on sports TV, and, as you can see, old-timers just don’t understand it. She also happens to be one of the few women in sports who has seemingly made it on her own outside of playing the typical roles of sideline reporter, anchor or pretty-girl-who-reads-Tweets. At best, Mushnick and Raissman sound really old here. At worst, they come across as sexist. And yet, I imagine both men will find themselves watching Nolan on mute like the dirty old hags they are.