Voila_Capture 2015-02-12_02-33-21_PM

Video killed the radio star!*

Rob Ellis, obviously not happy with what’s transpired at WIP, has hinted that he might not be long for the CBS-owned station. His contract is up at the end of March, and while there’s a real possibility that he winds up at 97.5 after his 90-day non-compete is up this summer, there’s something perhaps a bit more immediate in the cards: breakfast.

I’ve been told by multiple sources that Ellis will head to Comcast to host a new sports-themed morning show (Cold Pizza? First Take? — just guesses on the format), which, thanks to this Instagram post, retweeted by CSN, will be called BOB— short for Breakfast on Broad:



Judging by the handle (@BOBon TCN), this thing looks like it will air on The Comcast Network.** There are no additional details about the format, and quite honestly, I’m not sure if a local sports talk show on TCN will work, but sources say Ellis will be its host, or have some other involvement in the show. He used to be a producer at CSN and has appeared on-air over the years.

Ellis politely declined to comment on the matter, but presumably didn’t learn about the upcoming career change from me this time. TAKE ME TO THAT MAESTRO:



*Been waiting the whole WARS to roll that one out, so leave me alone.

**Alternate name for the network: “Where TV goes to die.”